Here I am at my all time favorite place, the
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First off, welcome to Tehechi Finds blog! My name is Monifer, also known as Chi. I am the owner of Tehechi Finds LLC. I launched Tehechi Finds March 2020 and I’ve been manifesting a crystal blog since the moment I decided to build a business from my coolest hobby: collecting crystals. A little background on the person behind the blog; I was born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida. I am an Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, and Cancer rising that is extremely passionate about doing whatever it takes to maintain my happiness. I decided working an energy draining 9-5 [absolutely no shade if this is your lifestyle] for the rest of my life was not the path I wanted to take and I invested in myself and my passion. I wanted to wake up and feel happy about the work I get to do everyday and getting to help others on their journey to healing has been extremely rewarding and the biggest privilege. I come from a rich and cultured West Indian nationality with my mother who is Chinese and Jamaican and my father who was 100% Jamaican. I am the youngest girl [now a woman] of 5 children on my mother’s side and 18 children on my dad’s side. I’ve always felt connected to something bigger than myself but have only been able to innerstand my purpose on Earth for the past 2 years. My knowledge and wisdom continues to grow in each experience. Everything I allow myself to be involved in is lead by my intuition and divinity, and this blog will be no different. I’ll be turning 26 at the end of January and I’ve experienced a lot more than I’d ever imagined I would have at this age. My journey with crystals has allowed me to see the beauty and blessings in all that I’ve experienced and I’d like to share in detail how crystals have reshaped my life. As an online crystal shop centered around the education of crystals, I also will be sharing tips and credible sources on how to spiritually cleanse and care for your crystals. Visit our Cleansing & Care section for a taste of what’s to come. I will introduce, elaborate, or remind my customers and readers of the metaphysical aspect of crystals. The metaphysical learning of crystals is just as important as the science of crystals. In fact, the metaphysical wonders of crystals only enrich the credibility of the science! The metaphysical aspects are what most customers come for and I know the healing properties have the biggest impact on why crystals have become so well known and accepted into Western society in the past 10 years.
Here on Tehechi Finds blog expect exciting content such as: personal blog posts, informational blog posts, step by step guides, and how to articles from Tehechi Finds. We have so much to say and we’re so happy we are finally getting the chance to clue you in. Join us every 2 weeks for new blog posts on ALL THINGS CRYSTALS.