Incorporating your crystals within your home can provide great benefits. The healing properties of crystals serve you best when they are in your presence. I keep mine in my home, my car, and on my person (jewelry, in my bra and/or pocket). This way, I’m always intentionally surrounded by positive and protective energy. The home is the most significant external environment we are gifted with and it can either feel like a safe haven or something we need to escape from. With 45% of the world working from home, home is now where a lot of us spend the most time. Even if you are not working from home your essence and energy lingers in that space at all times and home is usually where we feel most comfortable being vulnerable…At least it should be! You deserve to create a joyful and pleasant environment for yourself. You deserve to have beautiful crystals that maintain your vibrations in your sacred space.
There is an abundance of home décor ideas and what you gravitate towards will most likely be determined by your personality and aesthetic. The crystals you choose for your home and their placement will be guided by a similar motivation - you must choose crystals by how you want to feel when you're near them. When you walk into the bathroom, how do you want to feel? While you're cooking, what will keep your energy high? What is the ambience you want to experience when sitting in your living room? We are emotional beings that operate from the current energy we are experiencing. Prioritizing and orchestrating the way our environment allows us to feel will make all the difference in how we receive the world throughout the day.
Crystals form in all kinds of colors and patterns so you shouldn’t run into many problems when searching for crystals that match your desired feeling and hue. If you can have both, why not take advantage of the metaphysical benefits crystals can offer you?
Crystal Must Haves In Your Home
Rose Quartz
Your home sets the foundation for the energy you give to the world throughout your day. We want to start our day with love to ensure we have plenty of it to give. Close your eyes and imagine walking into every room of your home receiving loving energy and feeling a warm embrace from the Universe. Rose Quartz in all the rooms in your house can offer you this reality! If you regularly spiritually cleanse your home, Rose Quartz will add to the intention of calling sweet vibrations and releasing negative vibes out the window. Rose Quartz in all rooms will also come in handy when you have guests over. What feels better than being surrounded by love 24/7?

Whether you work in corporate America, education, tech, or own your own business you need motivation and an organized mindset to continue your productivity. One of my favorite crystals I use to keep my mind clear and focused is Fluorite. Fluorite contributes to your brainpower, creativity, and reducing cluttered thoughts.

Red Goldstone
Red Goldstone is a stone of confidence and ambition and is most used by individuals who want to stay motivated for both long and short periods of time. Using Red Goldstone in your office or workspace will remind you of your goals and uplift you all the way to the finish line. Pro-tip: keep Red Goldstone nearby during your at home workouts.

Stay Protected
Everyone wants their home to be a safe place physically and mentally especially if
you live alone or with children. There are a number of stones that help you feel protected in your space and I keep the best of the best of them in my presence. My go to protective stones are Amethyst, Black Obsidian, and Hematite. I keep Amethyst close to the entrance of my home, Black Obsidian at the back door, and Hematite in my bedroom. The placement of each protective stone is mostly a personal preference but I also keep in mind the shapes and sizes of my crystals. My amethyst is in the shape of a blade which symbolizes releasing, my black obsidian is a palm stone as a symbol of stillness, and my hematite is a tumbled stone representing balance. In an effort to protect my entire home from negative entities and vibrations I use a larger Amethyst to absorb the energy and spiritually cleanse the Amethyst at least once a month. Visit the Cleansing & Care section for tips on how to spiritually cleanse your crystals.

Crystal Don’ts
This may come as a big surprise..but it‘s not recommended to keep sexual crystals in the bedroom. I know that sounds a bit contradictory so I’ll explain. Have you ever heard of incubus and succubus? Incubus is a male evil spirit believed to have intercourse with women in their sleep. Succubus is a female evil spirit believed to have intercourse with men in their sleep. Repeated intercourse with succubus and incubus can cause poor physical and mental health overtime and major disruption in your sleeping patterns. A great way to experience the benefits of crystals is to sleep with them under your pillow but in this case having sexual crystals near you while you sleep will do more harm them good. Sexual crystals during slumber will only make it easier to be manipulated by negative entities. If you have a desire to use sexual crystals during your special moments be sure to keep them in a separate area of your home when the moment has ended. Crystals such as Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, or many Phallus shaped crystals should be excluded from your sleeping space when not in intentional use.
Ultimately your crystal placement choices should and will be tailored to what YOU SPECIFICALLY need from your environment. What you need will vary depending on how you live, where you live, and who you live with but one thing that is a constant for everyone is that your crystals need something from you too! What your crystals need is for you to not forget about them. Although your crystals are not humans, pets, or plants and they do not need every day care and attention they still hold energy. After a while crystals that are left in one spot and never touched again can result in stagnant energy. Your relationship with your crystals must be a give and take - trust me when I say you’re receiving more from the relationship! It’s not odd for home décor to be moved around every once in a while; don’t be afraid of a little Feng Shui to shift the energy in your favor and remind your crystals of the bond you share.
Make Your Home Special
I want to be clear that this blog post is not just for readers who own their own homes or live in a home with plenty of space. Your home is what you make it. And you may not have an office, a sacred space where you can meditate, or a second bedroom but this doesn’t make your space less valuable or less important. We work with what we have and expand when we are blessed with more. Don’t let lack of space be an excuse to not prioritize your spiritual wellness.
There are so many forces at play that can shape our attitude when we leave our personal space. We owe it to ourselves to level the playing field and allow our home to contribute to a bright outlook each day. Give yourself the chance to start your day in high spirits. Live every moment with intention and follow the tips your favorite crystal enthusiasts (me) is so graciously sharing with you!
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