Hi readers! I wanted to share a bit more about myself and how I began my crystal journey. Each day I’m learning more and more about myself through my spirituality and I owe a large chunk of my wonderful experiences to the crystals I have acquired along the way. It’s coming up on the 2 year mark of the beginning of my crystal journey and the 1 year mark of me launching Tehechi Finds LLC. As I open my heart and transparently reminisce on my voyage – I hope the take away from this blog post is that no matter where you come from and what your story is, all things can be overcome. Especially with CRYSTALS!
Here I am holding my starting inventory for Tehechi Finds which included Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Carnelian, and Green Fluorite. Click here to shop these crystals now!
Like most people at the beginning of the pandemic, I felt a lot of despair and confusion about the direction of myself and the world. I had just escaped from a toxic/abusive relationship that left me with very little self confidence, terrifying nightmares every night, and plenty of tears. I had to leave behind what I thought was a promising career in the entertainment industry because of unfair treatment and then struggled to find work because of Covid-19. A close friend of mine recommended that I cleanse any negative energy that was lingering in all relationships that had a dark effect on how I showed up in the world. I said to myself: What the hell does that mean? Thankfully, she sent an instruction video along with the message so I didn't have to ask! The video was from one of my now favorite spiritualists and tarot reader [who’s information I will include on my pending Youtube channel]. She discussed how to sage your home, using Florida Water for protection and purity, meditation, and crystals. If I said anything else intrigued me more at the time I would be lying. I felt like my spiritual journey was on an accelerated program! I finally felt like I found a deeper meaning to my life and I had always felt sad about not knowing what my passion was. Through the expedition of crystals I have found many passions.
If you're reading this, you probably also feel called to spirituality or will at some point in your life - so you may already be aware that there is an abundance of learning in this journey! You become a student of life. You learn about crystals, meditation, communicating with spirits, astrology, life path numbers, synchronicities etc and the amazing part is that it’s solely up to you what you resonate with and what information you want to leave behind. Unfortunately for my neurodivergent brain, I resonated with everything! But crystals were my #1.One of my very first crystals was Rose Quartz and as soon as I wore her I started crying happy tears and felt an overwhelming presence of love. Coming from my most recent circumstances at the time, that was everything I needed. My 5th crystal was amethyst and I used her for protection and calming my mind. Prior to forming a relationship with crystals I spent my early 20’s having panic and anxiety attacks that were crippling to my social, work, academic and romantic life. At 24 when my crystal journey began I learned how to channel my nervous energy into excitement and passion through the stabilizing energy that crystals have to offer. These profound experiences were enough to convince me to dive in head first and I started using crystals in my daily meditations and spell practice. I began collecting, researching, and learning every chance I could. Eventually I acquired enough knowledge to start teaching my friends and family what I know and realized crystals were the one thing I could talk about FOREVER and not get tired! I visited local crystal shops just about every other week to buy new crystals for myself, it was safe to say crystals had become a part of my lifestyle. I was mailing my out-of-town friends and family crystals every month and I jokingly said to myself, “I could turn this into a business!” Who knew I would actually do it?

After another stressful attempt of working for corporate America for 6 months the joke turned into a reality and before I knew it the confident energy Malachite and Carnelian had encouraged me to the path of Tehechi Finds LLC. I often get asked 1) how Tehechi (T-He-Chee) is pronounced 2) What Tehechi means and 3) Why I chose the name. Tehe is described as a joyful laugh and Chi (which is also my nickname) means energy. What inspired me to launch Tehechi Finds is taking back the ownership of my joy and the blessing I have been given to spread joy to others. Since the beginning of my crystal journey crystals have been bringing me joyful energy and now I get to continue to educate my customers on how they can call in that same joy and more! I feel blessed to contribute to your crystal learning experience and I’m always open for questions on Tehechi Finds instagram account or email tehechi.info@gmail.com.
I frequently travel with my crystals and my
favorite place to bring them to is the Beach!
Tehechi Finds currently has Rose Quartz
Goddesses and Rose Quartz Towers in stock.
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