As a small business that has centered Tehechi Finds around the education of crystals. I’m often asked what may be the most important question: how am I supposed to choose what crystals are right for me? And truth be told, there are a million ways to answer that question. But for the sake of time we will only discuss my favorite method today, the body scan meditation.
It’s not as complicated as it sounds! But it does require focusing on your divinity, breath, and intuition. Connecting with your body and mind in such a significant way allows you to prioritize what your spirit wants you to focus on the most - which will guide your crystal choices. Whether you are choosing from crystals that you already own or what crystals to buy you can still get top notch use out of this practice. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!
Why Is Your Crystal Choice So Important?
For those of us who use crystals to raise our vibrations and improve our physical and mental health there may not be much use for a crystal with healing properties that help with circumstances we’ve already overcome. For example, If I already feel grounded and have learned how to live in the present moment I may not need to purchase a garnet ring that is best known for its grounding energy. The body scan meditation method does not require much of your time but has been the most effective method for me.
A body scan meditation is done by examining the energy in your body during meditation. Mentally searching your body and the regions that may feel more sensitive or tighter than the others. Acknowledging where in your body you feel pain, discomfort, any emotion, or numbness. This feeling can be physical or mental - allow yourself to release control of your body so the feeling may feel more comfortable arising. This method can range from 2 minutes to 15 minutes depending on how soon your intuition reveals itself to you. We will go deeper into what to do once you are aware of these feelings but first we will break down the importance of connecting with the energy in your body.
Chakra Knowledge
In order to understand and connect with your body we’ve got to discuss chakras. Knowing your 7 chakra energy points is pretty important when using the body scan meditation method to choose your crystals because it’s all about recognizing the energy flow in your body. Before we jump into meditation we need to know the basics about the 7 chakras. You may already be familiar with the chakras but most people are not familiar with the impact chakras can have on your crystal choices. Unaligned or blocked chakras can have emotional and physical effects on your body and the body scan meditation method has an excellent way of addressing both. In addition to each chakra's meaning, below are all the colors the chakras are associated with - I’ll tell you why that is important later. Starting from the pelvic bone and working our way up to the top of your head, here are the 7 chakras in the human body:
Root Chakra
- The root chakra is associated with the color red and is responsible for your sense of stability and grounding. It is the 1st chakra and located at the pelvic bone.
Sacral Chakra
- The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange and located just below your belly button. The sacral chakra gives thought to your sexuality and creativity.
Solar Plexus Chakra
- The solar plexus is associated with the color yellow located right above the belly button. The solar plexus chakra is known to govern your self esteem and decision making.
Heart Chakra
- The heart chakra is associated with the colors green or pink. The heart chakra has control over your love and compassion. The 4th chakra is the heart chakra, coincidentally located at your heart center.
Throat Chakra
- The throat chakra affects how you communicate and listen to yourself and others. The throat chakra is associated with the color blue located at your throat.
Third Eye Chakra
- The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is linked with spiritual communication and awareness. The third eye chakra is associated with the colors white, dark blue, or purple.
Crown Chakra
- The crown chakra promotes connection to the divine. It is the 7th chakra and it is associated with the color violet. Located on the top of your head.
Tehechi Finds owner, Chi, meditating with her
Carnelian Agate after a successful body scan.

How to Scan Your Body
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get back to meditation. You can sit or lay down in any position you prefer but my advice is to find a position that allows energy to freely flow through your body. All meditation begins with your breath and relaxing the muscles in your body. During a meditation such as this one I like to envision practical tools but use them to reveal spiritual truths. The practical or familiar tool that I imagine is in my possession during the body scan meditation is an X-Ray or metal detector. That is essentially why this method is called the body scan. We’re searching our bodies for unaligned energy and then using the appropriate crystals to either release the unaligned or transform it to a more positive and useful energy.
As you close your eyes and continue focusing on your breath imagine the metal detector slowly and thoroughly examining your body from head to toe (or vice versa). Allow your higher self to take the lead on this one. When you reach areas of your body that feel tense or in pain stop your figurative scanning to take note of the region, then continue when you are ready. I like to keep a journal nearby during my body scan meditations so I can write down where and what emotions arise - this will come in handy after the full meditation when you’re ready to start choosing crystals. In your notes use as much detail and emotional adjectives as you can for the most efficient use. You may find the weaker spots on the first try or it may take you a few tries. That will depend on how willing you are to release control and allow your body to express itself to you. Be patient with yourself. If it takes you a bit longer to recognize what your body is asking of you, you are not broken! Give yourself time to become one with your spirit. Connecting with yourself is not something most of us are encouraged to do in our everyday life. Please know that you can always come back to and reread this blog.
What Now?
Now here’s the fun part, choosing the crystals that will resonate with your energy from the results of the body scan. Once you’ve completed the body scan meditation you can now use your meditation notes to determine what crystals are best for you. I encouraged you to write down where and what emotions arise within you for this exact moment. Depending on how knowledgeable you are of the 7 chakras you can go over your notes and determine which chakra your emotions and physical discomfort are tied to. If you are just learning about the 7 chakras feel free to scroll back up to the “Chakra Knowledge” section and match your notes on where you are feeling from with the appropriate chakra. For example, I completed the body scan meditation today and I felt physical pain in my heart center and an emotional blockage in my lower belly. That means when I choose the crystals I want to bond with for the week I need to keep my heart chakra and sacral chakra in mind.
Remember when I said I would clue you in on why I mentioned the chakra colors? We will get into that now. Crystals come in an array of different colors and just like everything in the universe, there is divine and significant reasoning behind it. This is not always the case but majority of the time it is: a crystal’s color and healing property coincides with the chakra that shares the same color. Physical pain in the heart chakra (colors: green and pink) can be healed through the crystals Rose Quartz and Green Fluorite. Emotional blockages in the sacral chakra can be healed through the crystals Carnelian and Tiger’s Eye.
The chakra and crystal colors are an accurate indication of what crystals you should be choosing after a body scan meditation but it’s not the only. If we take the colors away you still have the meanings that each chakra is associated with and you still have the designated healing property of each crystal. Visiting the Shop by Chakra section of will show you all the crystals that have healing properties highlighting the chakra that you need to spend more time discovering.
I use the body scan meditation method at least once a week because I find it necessary to check in within myself on a schedule that suits me best. I have an overwhelming amount of crystals in my personal collection and I like to give them all attention whilst also doing what makes sense for my spiritual maintenance. This method can be adapted by anyone especially now that you have this blog to reference with all of the details laid out for you. I feel blessed to contribute to your crystal learning experience and I’m always open for questions on Tehechi Finds Instagram account or email
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